香港理工大学Jason D. SHAW教授应邀访问bat365在线平台官网登录并受聘为客座教授

2016-12-21 发布单位:bat365在线平台官网登录


20161216日,应bat365在线平台官网登录邀请,香港理工大学教授、管理学国际权威期刊《Academy of Management Journal》(简称AMJ)主编Jason D. SHAW教授访问珠海校区。当日上午,在校区207会议室隆重举行了敦聘Jason D. SHAW教授为bat365在线平台官网登录客座教授仪式。珠海校区管委会副主任王博、bat365在线平台官网登录党总支书记刘治江、副院长范兆斌、国际合作交流中心主任钱刚毅出席了会议。敦聘仪式由范兆斌主持。
王博在致辞中对Jason D. SHAW教授的加盟表示热烈欢迎和衷心感谢,希望其能够在校区特别是bat365在线平台官网登录的学科建设、人才培养、科学研究、产学研合作等工作中发挥重要作用。随后,王博为Jason D. SHAW教授颁发聘书并佩戴校徽。Jason D. SHAW教授表示非常荣幸地受聘为bat365在线平台官网登录客座教授,今后将认真履行职责,进一步加强与bat365在线平台官网登录及整个校区的交流与合作,积极参与bat365在线平台官网登录的高水平大学建设。
敦聘仪式结束后,Jason D. SHAW教授面向校区教师和研究生作了题为“How to publish in the Academy of Management Journal“Preliminary Reports from the IMPACT Project”的两场学术讲座。在第一场讲座中,Jason D. SHAW教授介绍了AMJ的编委团队、AMJ期刊的学术特点等,并就如何开展高水平研究、发表高层次论文提出了许多宝贵的建议。在第二场讲座中,Jason D. SHAW教授介绍了自己在研项目“Investigating Merit Pay Across Countries and TerritoriesIMPACT的初步成果,并围绕项目进一步介绍了开展高水平研究的基本步骤和方法。讲座结束后,Jason D. SHAW教授与在座教师和学生就该领域的相关问题进行了广泛深入的探讨。
Jason D. Shaw is Chair Professor of Management, Head of Department of Management and Marketing, and Director of the Centre for Leadership and Innovation in the Faculty of Business at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Arkansas in 1997. He is the Editor of Academy of Management Journal (2016-2019). His research has appeared or been accepted for publication in the Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Journal of Applied Psychology, Organization Science, Strategic Management Journal, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Personnel Psychology, and Journal of Management, among other scientific outlets. He has served or is serving on the editorial boards of Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Journal of Applied Psychology, Personnel Psychology, and Journal of Management, among others. He has been invited for visiting scholar positions and other speaking engagements in China, Finland, Austria, Denmark, Norway, England, Germany, Spain, Israel, Singapore, Australia, Canada, Belgium, Thailand, and the USA. Prior to his appointment at PolyU, he was the Curtis L. Carlson School-wide Professor in the Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota, the Clark Material Handling Company Professor at the University of Kentucky, an assistant professor at Drexel University, and an analyst for the Boeing Company.
(文/王珊珊&黄星军  /文李黠  审核/范兆斌)