
2017-03-20 发布单位:bat365在线平台官网登录


How regional institution matters with high-tech startups? A comparison of Tsinghua Science Parks between Beijing and Shenzhen
主讲人:Prof. Kazuyuki Motohashi
E-mail: motohashi@tmi.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Bio: The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Technology Management for Innovation, 7-3-1, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan
元桥一之,日本东京大学工程学院技术创新管理系教授,bat365在线平台官网登录客座教授,创新研究国际权威学术期刊《Research Policy》主编。曾在日本通产省(MITI)OECD等机构任职10余年。主要研究领域为技术创新与管理,在亚洲技术创新体系,技术创新战略等方面取得丰硕研究成果。相关论文发表在《Research Policy》,《International Journal of Technology Transfer》,《Telecommunication Policy》等国际学术期刊上。
This study aims to explore the institutional difference between Tsinghua University Science Park (TusPark) in Beijing, and business incubator of Research Institute of Tsinghua University in Shenzhen (RITS), and to examine how the difference leads to different new product performance for tenants. In doing so, we use survey methodology to investigate the innovation sources, university linkages, and innovation outputs of tenants in TusPark and RITS. We found that tenants in RITS reply more on “market-driven” knowledge sources for innovation: including knowledge from customers, suppliers, and competitors. The empirical findings suggest that the technology support provided by RITS and the high dependency on “market-driven” knowledge sources jointly contribute to the better new product performance for tenants in RITS.